Friday, February 22, 2013


I’m so very very and absolutely glad to be writing to you again in the #3 Edition of SEE Publications (forgive my tautological use of English, it’s not my fault, I’m just very excited).

Well, seriously I have missed gisting you since the previous edition’s gist (GOD made Woman, His only mistake?) and quickly I want to say ‘Thank You’ for your calls, texts, comments of appreciation and criticism on the article. I’m seriously encouraged. If you haven’t read it, please quickly check out for it in the previous post as soon as possible, read and please don't forget to drop your comments.

Now, quickly to the gist of this edition.
Last year, 2012 was a great year for me (and I’m sure it was for you too).
I learnt great lessons, I applied them, I took risks, I had successes, I had disappointments, I climbed mountains, I walked in the dark valleys, I experienced love, I walked the streets on loneliness, I laughed and I cried and through all these experiences, one thing that I realize is that I’ve grown. I might not be where I wanna be yet but I’ve left where I used to be.

I had ideas and I worked on them. Some of them didn’t quite work out the way I planned them, but some others did. But then I started thinking, whether or not all the ideas I have had worked out as planned or not, I’m just so inspired to have had them in the first place.

Inspiration for every great idea that lights up your mind is worth being grateful for.

INSPIRATION is that big word you always have to consider if you are interested in doing something outstanding, something beyond ordinary, something monumental and special in a world of billions of talented and creative minds like yours.

What stands you out, in a world where each man runs a race against himself, a world of so much competition and inventions of all sorts, is the inspiration the illuminates your mind, that kind of  inspiration that drives you to want to move and do something new and different.

That is the kind of inspiration that I have that makes me want to learn and do something new and different and makes me want to grow everyday. Do you have it? You sure do. You’re so inspired than you ever noticed.

Inspirations and ideas catch up with you wherever and whenever. The source of Infinite Intelligence drops inspiration unto every man but it takes readiness of your mind to acknowledge receipt of an inspiration or idea, and to run with it.

Do you ever wonder why sometimes you need to do something, perhaps write a plan, do a business, answer a question, do something creative and then the idea just doesn’t seem to come to you so much that you don't even know what to do or where to start, and at other times the ideas just seem to flow around you like butterflies around a flower?

Inspiration is exactly what it sounds like. It is inspired. It is beyond a realm that physical sight can get to. Robert Schuller explains that when an idea or an inspiration is received, there has been a direct connection between the unseen and the seen.

Are you inspired? Well, I do know I’m so inspired.
You want to know why?
I know I’m inspired because I am created by the God who inspires all good ideas. I know I’m inspired because I am creative. I know I am inspired because I stand up to problems and sought to solve them. I know I’m inspired because I can do better than I am doing now. I’m so inspired.

No matter what you go through, bask in the atmosphere of inspiration. Enjoy the beauty of creation, understand the power of divinity to inspire your mind and rule your world.

You are so inspired. So use your inspiration to break grounds, set records, grow and be only the best .


Thank you so much for reading. Hope you had a nice time reading. Please feel free to call, text, or email and  post your comments and criticisms on our blog.

for an exhibition of creative works and inspired ideas.