Friday, July 13, 2012

GOD MADE WOMAN! His only mistake?

Wow! I just can’t imagine that look on your face. Are you asking, ‘Is this guy mad?’ Oh you say, ‘He must be really crazy for writing an article like this. Well, let me shock you a little, I am not mad and I am not crazy (in case you have thought And mind you, Women, I must confess, are one of the best things that have ever happened to the human race. Okay, let me give them a little appraisal (I know they like it...)

Oh Woman!
One of a kind
Brought forth from the rib of man
I can’t seem to get you off my mind.
Your voice, so unique
Unlike my baritone so boring
You are special
Your beauty like sunrise in the morning
So great is your heart
Gentle and tender
I dare not try to hurt...

Should I stop? Oh!
I’m sure she said NO!

...Oh Woman!
Thy rosy cheek, I infer
Maybe slender, who knows?
I just like you, just the way you are!

Ah! Enough of my Shakespearean tale (haven’t I tried? You better clap for But seriously, women are really wonderful. You could just clap for yourself if you are one.

Now, I’ll get to the point. I was coming from my sister’s place one day when I walked past a lady. She was wearing a beautiful white t-shirt and a fitting black skirt but, as I almost walked past her, I noticed that something was written on her white shirt. I like to read anything readable so I read what was on her shirt. It read,
I stopped, I paused, I took a breath. Oh My God! Why would someone want to wear that kind of shirt? It was even a girl wearing it. I was amazed. If at all I had thought I’d find someone wearing that shirt, I would have expected to see it on those guys who biff the ladies (Ladies, isn’t that right? Guys, no biffs, trust

So I went home but believe me, what I had seen on that young lady’s fine t-shirt remained on my mind. I thought about it and I had to answer questions, I had to lecture myself and I’ll gist you about the lecture, trust me.

Lecture One: GOD does not make mistakes!
Yes, HE doesn’t. According to God’s book to man, the Holy Scriptures which is the BIBLE, God made woman out of man and He did that so the man would not be alone. Gen 2:18.
Here, we could conclude that, GOD in His unending wisdom gave man a big gift. The fact that the woman fell for the tricks of God’s enemy, Satan didn’t mean it was God’s mistake. If we begin to recount the great things the world has seen because of the presence of woman in it, we’ll conclude that the woman is a perfect gift and not a mistake afterall.

Lecture Two: The Woman is Caring, Compassionate, Loving, Kind and Beautiful. She is an achiever!
(Hmmm... I’m sure heads are swelling already). I think it’s worth it if their heads swell. The woman is the one with that sonorous voice that sings the worship I so do not like to miss in church. Funny isn’t it?
The woman is the one who carries that baby (I once was) in her womb for nine months and deliver amidst pain and tears. She is the one that baby wakes up to see, when Daddy is out to work and the one who sings the lullaby at bedtime. She is the one who is strong and free, the one who loves, who is kind and warm-hearted. She is the one with such an indomitable spirit. She is the scholar. She is the mother. She is the helper. She is the achiever. She is the symbol of virtue and excellence. She is everything but a mistake.

Well, that was all the lectures I gave myself (clap for me Anyway, woman, I’m glad God gave you to the world and I love Him for that, amongst other great things He did and still does and I am sure every other man or guy feels the same way about you even though we sometimes do not want to admit it. Now, I would urge you to uphold your virtue. Raise the flag of excellence and be the best you can be. You are not a mistake. And guess what, I love you just the way you are but God loves you so much more, so be your best for HIS glory...WOMAN OF VIRTUE!

Personality Profile - BROOKE FRASER

Brooke Gabrielle Fraser Ligertwood, better known as Brooke Fraser (born 15 December 1983) is a New Zealand born award-winning folk-pop and Christian music.

She grew up in Naenae, Lower Hutt and attended Dyer Street School, Naenae Intermediate School and Naenae College.

Fraser took piano lessons between the ages of seven and seventeen. She started writing songs at age twelve and taught herself the acoustic guitar at fifteen. Despite her skills as a singer she has never taken singing lessons.

She currently writes and continues to write songs for Hillsong Church. Among her notable congregational songs are "Desert Song" and "Hosanna".

She has won series of awards in different categories of different awards. Brooke Fraser was, in 2009, nominated alongside Francesca Battistelli, Karen Peck Gooch, Natalie Grant, Mandisa, Sandi Patty and Laura Story in the 40th Dove Awards in 2009

Brooke Fraser @ WIKIPEDIA